Getting Ready: Busy Busy

It has again been a while since I’ve written on here. A big reason: all the preparations for your arrival and daddy working hard at his new school! Busy busy! It has been tough. Getting up early in the darkness, after all the bright light of Ecuador. Daddy threw up on his first day going to work at the school down the road, called Beechfield. But he, me, has been settling in and working hard.

And all of it for you. Here’s a picture of your daddy on the quirky wooden stairs of our new house on Victoria Road. Hope you like the pink socks…

And here is mummy showing the big growing baby bump to your grandma’s dog, Suzy:

Mummy has been doing so well. While daddy has been at work she has been setting up the nest/ house here. It’s all very comfy. But we’ve had to buy all the furniture and daddy has had to spend lots of his free time building furniture from IKEA and Argos, especially for your nursery. (What’s IKEA? It’s like a Lego factory for grown ups, but more frustrating). Here’s a photo of your daddy looking a bit exhausted putting together your beautiful cot and a wardrobe (which was then faulty so we had to get another anyway. Sigh):

And here’s daddy celebrating after putting together your bouncer, that has an elephant and lion on it (your mummy and daddys favourites!):

You are the size of a watermelon now. You’re so big and wiggly and you keep kicking mummy in the ribs. It is getting very tight in your wombhouse now. Mummy is getting very uncomfortable! (And you do love funk- dancing about inside when mummy is driving).

We love you so much. Even though daddy has been a bit grumpy, stressed and tired going off to teach a difficult class of troublemakers, every morning he says goodbye to you:

“Look after mummy today,” I say. “You be a good girl in there. Daddy loves you lots and lots and can’t wait to see you. I love you wiggly biggly baby!” Kiss kiss.

Often you kick or wiggle when I speak. Mummy says you might be a daddy’s girl. Who knows?

You are a wiggly biggly delight. Here you are snuggling with mummy and Suzy the old dog:

Daddy feels a bit like how the dog looks after a hard day teaching. But he feels so much better when he thinks of you and feels your little foots kicking.

Author: Chris Soul

I am a primary school teacher in the UK with experience having taught abroad. My first child, Lily, was born in 2018. I also write fiction, produce artworks and record some music.

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