Your Baby Shower

Just so you know, you are already a very lucky girl. There are lots of people who love you out here, in the big wide world. On Sunday, people gave you a shower. Not actually a shower of water. More like a shower of love. You might have heard all the people. And you might have heard all the songs with ‘baby’ in the title.

Your mummy’s friends Jemma and Britt set up our house so beautifully. Here are some lovely photos:

And here are some photos of everyone sitting around and chatting. You got lots of presents that were put in a little tippee. Everyone played a game. We had to taste different fruity baby foods (daddy thought they were really tasty). We had to guess the flavours. It was fun:

Later we did a relay race of changing nappies on teddy bears. Daddy made a nice tight nappy but got the bear’s leg stuck inside. (I promise I won’t do that to you!)

You are now the size of a watermelon. Mummy is very comfortable. Just before we went to sleep last night I was feeling you wiggle and kick. Your feet are really big now. You were once just a speck. Now when you kick, it really hurts mummy.

Be nice. Because you are such a lucky girl. You are showered with love already.

Author: Chris Soul

I am a primary school teacher in the UK with experience having taught abroad. My first child, Lily, was born in 2018. I also write fiction, produce artworks and record some music.

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